
Conjunctivitis, according to various studies, is the most common reason for going to the initial outpatient appointment and can be caused by several factors at the same time. Treatment is carried out comprehensively, depending on the clinical picture, somatic status and anamnesis data. In accordance with the clinical guidelines developed by the Russian Association of Ophthalmologists, the following groups of drugs are recommended for use: antibacterial, antiseptic, antihistamine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.Purpose: to analyze the use of the above groups of drugs in the treatment of conjunctivitis in order to recommend a reasonable prescription of the necessary therapy.Materials and methods. The literature data on the study of the features of the action of the above pharmacological groups in the treatment of conjunctivitis, obtained on the resources of PubMed, eLibrary, Crossref Metadata, mainly over the past 20 years, are presented.Results. The presence of signs of an allergic reaction involves the appointment of antiallergic drugs with multiple pharmacological effects – blockade of histamine receptors, stabilization of mast cell membranes and suppression of eosinophil filtration. Given the different mechanisms of action within this group of drugs, it is necessary to select them individually. When prescribing tablet forms of antihistamines, it must be remembered that with prolonged use, they can cause patients to feel dry in their eyes. In cases where the above antiallergic drugs do not adequately control the allergic inflammatory process, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Nonsteroidal and steroid anti-inflammatory drugs are used as anti-inflammatory drugs. Usually nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended for use in chronic conjunctivitis and patients with a history of systemic diseases. Steroid drugs are indicated for severe forms of manifestation of the allergic process on the eyes, as well as the appointment of steroid anti-inflammatory drugs is recommended for use in short courses (up to 2 weeks), and with their longer use, control of intraocular pressure is necessary. Literature data indicate the lack of efficacy of antiviral drugs such as acyclovir and others from this group in the treatment of conjunctivitis of adenoviral etiology. Drugs with an immunomodulatory effect based on interferon or inducers of interferon synthesis are widely used. The prescription of antibiotics should be justified, since in recent years the level of resistance to them has significantly increased. Antiseptics that have a wide spectrum of action (bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa) are an alternative to antibiotics, but it must be remembered that this group of drugs often causes allergic reactions.Conclusion. The treatment of conjunctivitis must be approached carefully, taking into account not only the etiology of the disease, but also the somatic and immune status of the patient. To avoid the negative effects of the use of antibiotics, replace them with alternative drugs and do not use them in the treatment of conjunctivitis of a non-bacterial nature.

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