
Video retrieval recognition is a linear characterized action constituted by many frame similarity-based videos. This medical video recognition and classification can be a great extent in medical research, such as Endoscopic, radiological, pathological, and applied health informatics. General Video Retrieval Recognition (GVRR) cannot address a problem with recognition alone. GVRR can be solving the Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) interface mixed video retrieval system. To generalize the conventional video retrieval interface like Multi-user MIMO, WiMAX MIMO, single-user MIMO, several types of research made excused. In fine-tuning existing video retrieval, this research gives the authentic procedure for a frame-based cognitive operation called Secure Approximation and sTability Based Secure Video Retrieval recognition (SAT-SR) recognition proposed. In this research article, the process of recognition has three processes generalized by the video retrieval system. Initially, the virtual dissection and connection weights of input video were established using the mathematical and numerical analysis of interpolation estimation. Secondly, the interpolation approximation and activation function were figured out using the Open Mcrypt Stimulus (oMs) for video security fragments. Similarly, systematic investigations are accomplished for approximation error computation. The result for this widely circulated utilization of three processes on the video retrieval recognition prevents the occurrence of the cybercrime abuse of stored video registers. The proposed technique was used to identify the virtual dissection, interpolation, and activation function for decoding the videos. Using this information, the abusers identified cybercrime rate might be reduced considerably.

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