
Toshima Island, Tokyo, (one of Seven Islands of Izu) is a small island having 413 km2 in area and located at about 140 Kilometers south east of Tokyo City on the Pacific Ocean, and there is Mt. Miyatsuka (507.5 m in high) in the central part of the Island, natural features are very hilly. The auther investigated on Toshima village which is one of the villages of the Island and the result of the investigation on the outline of this village was as follows.According to my investigation on March 1956, the number of house-holds were 83 and the size of population wes 360. Increase and decrease of population were not noted by me. Average temperature of year round is 17.9... Due to not having river and water welling out, villager makes it a rule to stock rain water as their drinking water.Further, due to not having port in this island, the facilities of communication on the sea were always irregular, and also fishing was not easy and degree of cultural life was lower than the other district. As industry, the fruit and oil of camellia were main products and the quantities of these products occupied one third of that of Tokyo-To and it's farm land were occupied 22 per cent of all farm land in this island.

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