
11030 Background: The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community experiences cancer health disparities. It is thus imperative that medical trainees receive training in the care of LGBTQ populations. Identifying gaps in trainees’ knowledge and comfort in providing care for this population is important in preparing future physicians. Methods: A Likert-scale survey of US medical students at three institutions assessed attitudes, comfort and knowledge in providing care for LGBTQ patients. Results were quantified with descriptive and stratified analyses. Exploratory factor analysis found four factors in which attitude summary measure (ASM) scores were calculated; lower values indicate more agreeability with given attitude items. Total knowledge scores were calculated with higher values indicating greater knowledge. Results: Of 300 medical students who completed the survey, the majority were female (55.7%), white (54.7%), and heterosexual (64.3%). The majority of students felt comfortable (strongly agree/agree) participating in the care of patients who identify as lesbian (94.3%), gay (96.0%), and bisexual (96.3%); this percentage dropped to 82.3% for non-binary and 71.3% for transgender patients. Only 27.0% of students reported confidence in their knowledge of health needs of transgender patients. LGBTQ self-identification, percent of core rotations completed, and having LGBTQ friends/family were significantly associated with various ASM subscales (Table 1). Knowledge questions had high percentages of “neutral” responses, and students who identified as LGBTQ had significantly higher total knowledge scores. Conclusions: Overall, medical students feel comfortable and willing to provide care for LGBTQ patients. However, as in our prior study in oncologists, there is limited knowledge about specific LGBTQ health and cancer needs. More education and training in the needs of transgender and non-binary patients is indicated. [Table: see text]

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