
The problem of professional discourse exploration is closely connected with the process of various types of ESP investigation from different points of view, taking into consideration the cognitive linguistic approach among them. The pivotal point within these lines is the anthropocentric orientation of the cognitive discursive paradigm with special attention to linguistic representation of certain mental structures underlying professional communication. Medical discourse which deals with language and communication concerning the subject of people’s life and health deserves special attention in terms of anthropocentric and functional linguistic approach as various types of linguistic interactions should be included into the scope of the analysis which comprises both professional communication between specialists and the one of specialist and patient, the latter being both the basic subject of medical care and the addressee. In the course of specific mental structures linguistic expression much depends on the corresponding linguistic units functional characteristics, with special attention to their pragmatic and communicative aspect, which in some cases seeks conceptual metaphorical representation. Cognitive linguistic approach enables the researcher to clarify the content of professional languages notion as well as to outline new investigation perspectives in terms of medical discourse analysis.

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