
Improving clinical communication between patient and clinician through the provision of written information empowers patients to make informed decisions, underpinning patient-centred care and leading to greater health outcomes. The Townsville Cancer Centre has formulated a holistic care plan template for each patient as a tool to enhance this communication. Using questionnaire-based and qualitative surveys, understanding of the patient's cancer and perspectives of clinicians were examined. The results demonstrate that patients generally have a firm knowledge base of their disease with the predominant finding being that patients wish to be more informed with written information about their diagnosis and alternatives for treatment. While initially time consuming, completion of care plans had many benefits for clinicians; they prompted them to collect holistic information, engage in discussions to capture patient goals and document details about prognosis, treatment options and management of side-effects. Medical oncology care plans provide a sustainable method to provide clinicians a practical template to gather vital information and encourage patients to participate in the decision-making process for healthcare.

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