
The purpose of the study was revealing the subjective opinion of doctors of various dental medical specialties about the experience of making medical mistakes. Methods: a single semi-structured interview method, qualitative deductive content analysis of the content of recorded interviews for encoding and categorizing text units using the OpenCode 4.02 program. Results: it was found that all respondents associated the concept of "medical mistake" with incorrect actions or inaction of the doctor, which led to negative consequences in the treatment of the patient. Thirty percent of respondents admitted to making manipulative and diagnostic mistakes in their dental practice. Analysis and ranking of factors indicated by dentists to commit a medical mistake showed that these are 1) objective factors of a subjective nature related to the personal characteristics of the doctor: insufficient knowledge and lack of experience, fatigue, arrogance; 2) objective factors related to the shortcomings of the organization of dental care in a medical institution; 3) objective factors of a subjective nature related to individual characteristics of patients. Conclusions: Continuous improvement of the training system for future dentists, residents, and doctors based on modern achievements in the field of dentistry, as well as the widespread use of simulation technologies for practicing manipulative skills, and the introduction of the "standardized patient" method for developing communication skills in order to effectively interact with patients are preventive measures aimed at preventing medical mistakes in dental practice. Awareness of the factors of medical mistakes and their analysis at the personal level will minimize their number and, consequently, improve the quality of dental care provided to the population.

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