
Background: The livestock sector contributes nearly 17.1% of the value of output at current prices in Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry sector. The overall contribution of Livestock Sector in total GDP was nearly 5.1% during 2019-20. Dairying in India is witnessing transformation from traditional production system to either semi-commercial or commercial production system, which requires high producing dairy animals. Losses associated with milk fever are due to deaths, reduction in the productive lifespan of affected cow and reduction in milk production following each milk fever episode, as well as costs of prevention and treatment. It has been reported that about one in 20 affected cows, dies due to milk fever. Further, milk fever can contribute to dystocia, uterine prolapse, retained fetal membranes, metritis, abomasal displacement and mastitis leading to serious economic loss. Methods: A Jersey crossbred cow on its sixth parity was presented with the history indicated that the animal had calved 45 days ago and was semi-intensively managed. The daily production of milk was abou 15 liters. Physical examination revealed the temperature and pulse rate were within the normal range, but there was increased in respiratory rate and a dehydration status of 5%. The dairy cow was diagnosed with milk fever and treatment was done by slowly infusing 400 ml of Calcium borogluconate into the jugular vein over a period of 10-20 minutes. Intravenous infusion of 1000 ml 0.9% NaCl and 2000 ml of 25% glucose were instituted in order to restore blood glucose level and to correct the dehydration. Result: The animal recovered after the treatment, thus the prognosis was good and supportive therapy was continued for three days and animal had an uneventful recovery.

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