
Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence are actively revolutionizing the healthcare industry. While there is widespread concern that these advances will displace human practitioners within the healthcare sector, there are several tasks – including original and nuanced ethical decision making – that they cannot replace. Further, the implementation of artificial intelligence in clinical practice can be anticipated to drive the production of novel ethical tensions surrounding its use, even while eliminating some of the technical tasks which currently compete with ethical deliberation for clinicians’ limited time. A new argument therefore arises to suggest that although these disruptive technologies will change the face of medicine, they may also foster a revival of several fundamental components inherent to the role of healthcare professionals, chiefly, the principal activities of moral philosophy. Accordingly, “machine medicine” presents a vital opportunity to reinvigorate the field of bioethics, rather than withdraw from it.


  • En outre, la mise en œuvre de l’intelligence artificielle dans la intelligence in clinical practice can be anticipated to drive the pratique clinique devrait susciter de nouvelles tensions éthiques production of novel ethical tensions surrounding its use, even autour de son utilisation, même si elle élimine certaines des while eliminating some of the technical tasks which currently tâches techniques qui sont actuellement en concurrence avec la compete with ethical deliberation for clinicians’ limited time

  • Recent history provides several examples: the considerable advantages of electronic medical records over paper charts are changing the way that providers create, store, and share information [4,5]; advances in telecommunication services have generated the field of telemedicine, which can instantaneously connect providers to patients formerly without access to healthcare [6,7]; “telerobotics” allow surgeons to perform minimally invasive operations on patients in different time zones [8]; and genetic sequencing technology is ushering in an era of personalized medicine in which individual physiological markers can predict clinically-significant responses to tailored therapies [9]

  • The present article offers a novel perspective to this discussion, arguing that artificial intelligence (AI) may revolutionize many aspects of medical practice, perhaps even making some obsolete, but that the role of bioethics in practice will endure and flourish through this transformation

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Les technologies émergentes telles que l’intelligence artificielle révolutionnent activement le secteur des soins de santé. Si l’on craint généralement que ces progrès ne remplacent les praticiens humains dans l’ensemble du secteur des soins de santé, il existe plusieurs tâches – dont la prise de décisions éthiques originales et nuancées – qu’ils ne peuvent remplacer. Un nouvel argument émerge donc pour suggérer que si ces technologies perturbatrices vont changer le visage de la médecine, elles peuvent aussi favoriser un renouveau de plusieurs composantes fondamentales inhérentes au rôle des professionnels de la santé, notamment, les principales activités de la philosophie morale. La « médecine des machines » offre donc une opportunité vitale de revigorer le domaine de la bioéthique, plutôt que de s’en retirer. Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d’auteur. COMMENTAIRE CRITIQUE / CRITICAL COMMENTARY (ÉVALUÉ PAR LES PAIRS / PEER-REVIEWED)

Conflicts of Interest None to declare
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