
To encourage HS and allied health students in West Virginia who have an interest in the health care professions, WVSOM has a laboratory tour program for students enrolled in human anatomy courses at the HS or undergraduate level. Each tour begins with a presentation covering proper laboratory etiquette, the role of the Human Gift Registry, and scientific aspects of cadaver embalming and plastination. Participants are then given a tour of the lab and demonstrations of human anatomy emphasizing clinical applications using cadaveric specimens, radiographs, and/or plastinated specimens. To assess the value of the tours, we ask all participants to complete pre and post tour questionnaires. In the spring of 2009, 255 tour participants returned questionnaires; a response rate of 90.4%. 82% of participants indicated a strong or very strong interest in pursuing a career within the field of health care, and 27% said attending the tour changed their opinion about the health care professions. Of those whose interest changed, 78% indicated they were more interested in a health related career as a result of the tour. We conclude that our anatomy tour program positively influences the interest of participants in the health care professions.Grant Funding Source: NA

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