
This study investigates air quality in the Rumuolumeni environs, River State, Nigeria, which started in November 2016 when soot became a public health hazard to date. The study identified the cause of the soot, which is unregulated refineries (known as kpoo fire), and compared effluent from a regulated refinery and the source in the chosen community. The population of the study area and its environs have witnessed adverse environmental influences as a result of the emissions and accumulation of unburnt carbon materials (soot) within the first four quarters of 2016. This research has provided a solution that will ensure that federal government environmental agency/ regulatory bodies in terms of environmental protection should carry out their functions effectively and efficiently on soot pollution, which has resulted in a decline in public health in the study area. In addition, numerous local refineries built in the area by quacks should be eliminated so as to reduce environmental pollution and public health hazards further. In conclusion, the investigation has further revealed that the numerous home-made petroleum refineries are the major sources of black carbon pollution, which has a direct link to the host community and its environs.

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