
Thirty medical eponymous terminological units named after great scientists, physicians, mythological and literary characters have been debated in the current study. The eponymous terms are presented in English, Russian and Bulgarian medical discourse. Brief medical descriptions of the particular discovery, disease or syndrome have been made. Information is given about the person after whom the eponymous term is named, as well. The basic parameters of scientific term are identified: a) Unambiguity; b) Accuracy; c) Brevity; d) Systematicity; e) Grammatical correctness; f) Stylistic neutrality; g) Word formation. Special attention is paid to the specifics of medical eponymous term, its encyclopedic informative volume and didactic aspect regarding the teaching process of specialized medical vocabulary at medical universities. Medical domain “invasion” is highlighted in a number of other domains: politics, computer technology, economics, automotive engineering, ecology, etc. (based on specific examples).

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