
Since September 1998 exists a project of cooperation and consultation between the AOK Hesse and the Medical Advisory and Expertising Service Hesse with the aim to identify occupational diseases and to survey decisions of the Employer's Liability Insurance Association. The procedure is based on a computer-added recognition-system, a profound preparation of the single cases by the employees of the health-insurance and a very intensively carried out deliberation by Medical Doctors of occupational medicine. In a period of four and a half year 8391 cases have been reviewed of which 4859 have already been determined. An approval as occupational disease by the Employer's Liability Insurance Association has been determined in 1954 cases, in 2905 cases the acknowledgement has not been determined. Regarding the determined cases a recourse of 10,078,922.27 EUR has been realized. In regard to the invested small resources of personnel the procedure has proved itself as highly effective to discover and to assert recourses. Beside the economical aspects for the public health-insurance, other results of the project were the assurance of the entitlement to benefits of people coming down with occupational diseases or their relatives. New insights about the actual development of occupational diseases in Germany als well as their prevention can be proceeded.

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