
In this report, a 60-year old patient with a history of mixed nociceptive and neuropathic chronic pain after successful removal of oral squamous cell cancer is described who received outpatient pain treatment in our clinic. Moreover, the patient presented with a history of alcohol abuse as well as anorexia and weight loss. The patient was in reduced general condition and cachectic nutritional status. In addition, he suffered from oral pain that radiated to both ears and a related loss of appetite. In the light of progressive cachexia, we started regular medical cannabis (Sativex®, contains i. e. delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol). Despite good initial tolerability, medical cannabis was stopped early due to alcohol relapse of the patient. After termination of medical cannabis, the patient regained control of alcohol consumption and achieved sobriety. We suggest that medical cannabis only be prescribed with particular caution in patients with a history of alcohol abuse.

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