
Despite seemingly widespread concerns about radiofrequency radiation overexposure to the general population, there is very little in the medical literature that addresses this issue. This article is written by a consensus-forming body composed of physicians, biologists, engineers, and physical scientists. It addresses those aspects of radiofrequency radiation exposure that are pertinent to clinical medicine. It is intended to provide basic information on radiofrequency radiation injuries to be helpful to physicians should they ever be presented with a patient who was overexposed to radiofrequency radiation. Salient features of radiofrequency radiation physics, radiofrequency radiation injuries, and national safety standards are discussed. A synopsis of the signs and symptoms of radiofrequency radiation overexposure and a statement concerning the role of a physician are also included. This Note is intended to update practitioners on the best available information on radiofrequency radiation exposure management and the results of recent national and international standard setting activities.

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