
For the medical checkups, Diagnosis of diseases and treatment people mostly visit the hospitals. This act is been done by people across the globe. The proposed system is to introduce an alternative to this old method of visiting clinics or hospitals making appointments with the doctors exhausting ourselves in the long queues in the hospitals. Chatbot can help in predicting the disease on symptoms given as input to the bot based on the information on which the bot is trained. A new Technology powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning that is Natural Language Processing can be used to make chatbots such that it can predict the disease on the symptoms. People can interact with the chatbot as if they are interacting to another person. This can be achieved by applying machine learning algorithms. People are uncomfortable opening up to others about how they feel about their bodies, and their morale suffers as a result. People, on the other hand, would not be humiliated if they speak to a computer about the same topic. As a result, the best way for resolving this issue is to use a chatbot. A chatbot is a piece of software that uses instant messaging to provide services. Software that offers conversational services to users using an instant messaging system. It facilitates human conversation and performs a wide range of functions, from customer service to virtual consulting, but the interface remains consistent. Also, people nowadays have most medicine packs at their home but don't know or remember for what purpose the medicine was prescribed to them so to overcome this our system provides a functionality of providing basic information about the medicine pack on just scanning the medicine pack. There are entangled with their daily routine of medicines such can make benefit by keeping alarms to take their medicine on time such that they don't end up missing on their course. Medical services are one of the greatest worries in today’s period as these days individuals are in effect a lot of occupied in their timetable, ignoring their wellbeing concerns and thus winding up crumbling wellbeing by contracting infections. Another advanced environment, addressed by chatbots appear to supply encouraging arrangement by encapsulating the capacity of a virtual medical care master, who is normally accessible to supply data in the required exactness. The ideas of regular language handling and AI are utilized to make a chatbot application. The predetermination of medical services comprises of age that consistently joins records on an influenced individual's clinical record, ongoing wellbeing, inclusion, and financial information all to help organization dynamic, improve influenced individual wellbeing, and diminishing expenses.

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