
Relevance. The article analyzes contractual and other legal grounds, using which collective management organizations and other non-profit organizations can perform the functions of intermediaries and representatives of authors and other right holders in order to ensure the lawful use of copyright and related rights objects in modern conditions.The purpose of the research is to develop theoretical provisions necessary for the development of legal regulation of the activities of non-profit organizations related to the implementation of copyright and related rights.Objectives: to identify the peculiarities of legal regulation of mediation and representation relations arising from the participation of non-profit organizations in the implementation of copyright and related rights; to identify the problems associated with such legal regulation, to develop proposals aimed at their elimination.Methodology. The author used dialectical-materialistic method, methods of analysis and synthesis, formallegal method.The results of the research are of theoretical and applied nature and are aimed at improving the quality of legal regulation of civil legal relations.Conclusions. The conclusions made in the article are of a discussion nature, aimed at continuing research on the development of legal regulation of the activities of non-profit organizations related to the implementation and protection of copyright and related rights, including the expansion of the range of non-profit organizations able to participate in the implementation and protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity, as well as to simplify their obtaining the powers necessary for the implementation of such activities.

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