
The role of electronics has proven to be a vital role in enhancing organizational performance. The electronic stage of HRM application is known as e-HRM. HR service delivery through web-based technology; the changing trend forces HR professionals to apply their knowledge through the latest technology to the activities of HR. Today technology is remodeling HR outlook. The aim of this paper is to reviews the literature relating to the mediating effect of the facilitating condition between employee engagement and employee productivity of the workers in the e- HRM environment. The usage of technologies helps to offer great potential for the employees to improve their quality and efficiency. The efficiency of an employee dependent based on the managers who support them to adopt the latest technology through training factors like facilitating condition IT, Infrastructure, and determine the effectiveness of e-HRM practices. This paper reviews various literature based on e-HRM practices and the impact of employee engagement on employee productivity. It also discusses the effect of facilitating the condition of the IT infrastructure Environment.

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