
Efficient electrosynthesis of palladium(0) nanoparticles is carried out in solution by mediated electrochemical reduction of a complex dianion [PdCl4]2– in the DMSO/0.1 M Bu4NCl medium. The mediator function was performed by methylviologen and tetraviologen calix[4]resorcines MVCA-C 8+ with methyl (n = 1), n-pentyl (n = 5), and n-decyl (n = 10) substituents in resorcinol rings at the potentials of redox pairs MV2+/MV•+, MVCA-C 8+ /MVCA-C 4•+ . The resulting metal nanoparticles gradually aggregate to yield coarser particles. The smallest size (255 nm) have metal particles obtained in the presence of MVCA-C 5 8+ for the rest mediators, metal particles of the micron size are formed. Sonication results in disintegration of aggregates to nanoparticles.

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