
The problem of constructing confidence regions for the median in the nonparametric measurement error model (NMEM) is considered. This problem arises in many settings, including inference about the median lifetime of a complex system arising in engineering, reliability, biomedical, and public health settings. Current methods of constructing CRs are discussed, including the T-statistic based CR and the Wilcoxon signed-rank statistic based CR, arguably the two default methods in applied work when a confidence interval about the center of a distribution is desired. Optimal equivariant CRs are developed with focus on subclasses of of the class of all distributions. Applications to a real car mileage efficiency data set and Proschan's air-conditioning data set are demonstrated. Simulation studies to compare the performances of the different CR methods were undertaken. Results of these studies indicate that the sign-statistic based CR and the optimal CR focused on symmetric distributions satisfy the confidence level requirement, though they tended to have higher contents; while two of the bootstrap-based CR procedures and one of the developed adaptive CR tended to be a tad more liberal but with smaller contents. A critical recommendation is that, under the NMEM, both the T-statistic based and Wilcoxon signed-rank statistic based confidence regions should not be used since they have degraded confidence levels and/or inflated contents.


  • MSC 2010 subject classifications: Primary 62G15; secondary 62G09, 62G35

  • We shall be interested in this paper in the construction of a confidence region (CR) for Δ based on a random sample of observations of X

  • For instance, the textbooks [19, 9] which both discuss the confidence interval (CI) for Δ based on the sign statistic, a CI first presented in [20]

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Brief review of existing ‘off-the-shelf ’ median CRs

We briefly review existing methods for constructing frequentistbased 100(1 − α)% CRs for Δ under the NMEM. The most commonly-used CR for the center of a distribution, which is Δ for symmetric distributions, is the T -based CR given by This CR is not valid under the NMEM since it does not satisfy the condition P(F,Δ){Δ ∈ Γ(X)} ≥ 1 − α for all (F (·), Δ) ∈ Fc,0 ×. ≤ W((n)(n+1)/2) the order statistics of the Walsh averages, the Wilcoxon signed-rank based nonparametric CR for Δ is given by. Let k1 = sup{w : B(w) ≤ α/2} and k2 = inf{w : B(w) ≥ 1 − α/2} Another CR of Δ is developed from the asymptotic normality of the sample median Δ. BREP S}, denoted by κ∗1−α/2 and κ∗α/2, respectively, and constructs the CR (cf., [6]) via.

Invariant models and equivariant CRs
Towards optimal CRs for the median
Optimal CRs
Implementation aspects
For uniform distributions
For general symmetric distributions
Optimal CRs focused on exponential distributions
Data-adaptive methods
Method Label
Illustration using real data sets
Comparison of methods via simulations
Some concluding remarks
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