
Overtime, mass media's influence evolved gradually together with the technology that carried mass mediated message; the trend of which has ultimately projected at the turn of the 21st century. The procession of new technologies and scientific breakthroughs in recent times is, however, persistent and is recounting on many fronts such as the electronic and other forms of media, which are major tools in the transmission of information and digital content. Reacting to development during the First and Second World War, Valdimir opined that media is a powerful instrument which may be used for good or for ill and that, in the absence of adequate control; the latter possibility is on the more likely. It follows that the influence of on the sexual behaviors of adolescents has increased when compared to recent years when the access of such information was quite limited and restricted. Sexual content has been made easily accessible as a result of increase in mediums which can provide this sometimes uncensored information. Media is an all-inclusive term that refers to a collection of communicatory mediums used to store or transmit information or data. Media is usually intended to inform or influence a wide range of audiences. Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated are called media. These includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and, more significantly, the internet. Adolescence is a phenomenon which is referred to as the transitional stage between childhood and adulthood. In some cultures, adolescence is termed as a child physically coming of age, and acknowledged as the readiness to assume the adult roles of reproduction, parenting, and work.

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