
Press is considered as a revolutionary tool and for the dissemination of information to mould the public opinion since centuries. The human minds are always in search of information, hence the media is essential part of human civilization. The term media consumer in this research paper would mean the recipient of information disseminated by the media. The media consumer is larger prospective of individuals that include all wings of democracy and their need of information. The modern economical world is dependent upon each other consequently media has gained huge importance than any other era of human civilization. With the inceptions of democracies, media has always been considered the fourth pillar of democracy. Press is essential for strengthening of the democracy therefore the most vibrant democracies has granted absolute right of freedom to media. The role of press is to act as a watchdog of society and to become the voice of people by reporting injustices to bring transparency to the system. Media is mandated to expose corruption and give voice to the unprivileged, whose rights are infringed. In modern days Media is venturing to move into the system rather than exposing the system. The media has reincarnated as public court, special detective and forms public opinion in tune to needs of media organizations. Free speech or freedom of speech and expression in simple words means the liberty to say what one feels like. It is the expression of thoughts into words without any sort of restraints. It is considered to be an innate right with minimal restrictions in India. The study stresses upon this liberty of media must function strictly within the frame work of ethical norms. This paper is analyzing the role of media involvement and its impact on media consumers. Media people must exercise their right without infringing the rights of individuals or other pillars of democracy. Journalists ought to be vigilant to safeguard the freedom of press and should be aware to act with a sense of responsibility. The present study stresses upon the positive and negative role played by the media in democratic country like India.

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