
This paper shows how the media accomplishes its goals through the language and structure of the article about the Spy Balloon Incident. The analytical process is discussed from agenda-setting theory, Framing theory, and Priming theory, showing the underlying logic of the media and how they increase the hatred of the people of two countries towards each other's country through the spy balloon incident. With this thesis, the paper hope to make readers realize that the media is not necessarily presenting the real facts, but instead may be leading them to think what the polity or consortium behind the media wants them to think. This paper is different from the previous ones because it takes examples from the mainstream media outlets in two separate countries, rather than just looking at media outlets in a single country alone since they might work for the same polity and consortium, which means they have the same interest, and truth will not be revealed to people. This gives a more comprehensive perspective and logical integrity since it considers the issue from opposing sides. Unsurprisingly, the media are leading the crowd by adjusting the language and structure of their paragraphs.

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