
Chapter five is an attempt to further develop the discussion on discursive subalterneity of Muslims. Although media practices generally and Bollywood cinema specifically have been an arena for analysis pertaining to stereotyping of Muslims, I claim in this chapter that this analysis itself has got mired in stereotypical ways of seeing and analysing. Focusing on representation as a process of essentializing identity I connect this to Lefebvre’s ‘representation of space’ focusing on dominant discourses in news media and Bollywood cinema regarding Muslim localities. In second section of this chapter the role of news media in spawning the representation of Muslims and Muslim spaces as dens of criminal and terrorist activities. The reportage of various police action against Muslim publics and persons (such as the extra-judicial killings of terror suspects in Batla House) are discussed to discern the earlier noted trend of representation of space such that segregation is provided a discursive reinforcement.

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