
Abstract. Muhammadiyah Trensains Senior High School Sragen is a leading Muhammadiyah school in Sragen, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The school has excellent achievements in science. The problem encountered is the need for more publication in the mass media. There is a problem in media relations at Muhammadiyah Trensains Senior High School Sragen. For the solution to the problem, this community service was directed at increasing the competency of teachers in the field of media relations. This community service was carried out with workshops involving Muhammadiyah Trensains Senior High School Sragen teachers. Workshop materials included mastery of media relations for school publications and writing news releases. Next, the teacher sent news releases to the mass media. Writing and delivery of news releases have been published in the mass media. The result of this community service is the increased news coverage of Muhammadiyah Trensains Senior High School Sragen in various media.

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