
Research Objectives This development develops CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) -based learning products on Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) classes 1 and 2 of Primary Schools. The subject of discussion of the symbolic subject matter of the Republic of Indonesia and the values contained in the symbol of the state of the Republic of Indonesia. The research method used in the development of interactive multimedia is ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evalution). The method includes 5 stages, namely: needs analysis; model design; model development; implementation; and evaluation. The product instruments used were the validation sheets of material experts, media experts, field experts and questionnaires. The results of the development research produced a product supporting PPKn learning with interactive multimedia in the classroom. The feasibility test results showed very decent results from media experts with a percentage of 83.33% and very feasible from material experts with a percentage of 86.67%, and from field experts it was considered very feasible to obtain a percentage of 87.50%. For the results of the testing of interactive multimedia development products, the results were very feasible and interesting for students from small group trials with a percentage of 88% and large group trials 92.44%. Based on the results of the feasibility test and trial of interactive multimedia products for PPKn subjects for grade 1 and grade 2 elementary school students are feasible to be used as learning media in the activities of teaching and learning in schools.

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