
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the media messages and strategies that countries use to sell themselves to other countries. Methodology: The paper isolated theories that may explain the need to use media strategies in selling a country. Furthermore, empirical studies that demonstrate what media strategies other countries use to sell themselves were also explored. Specifically, the paper identified documentary evidence in the form of already completed studies that focused on media strategies and messages that are used by countries to sell themselves.Results: The paper indicates that the theories that support the use of media messages and strategies and are related to advertising and media include the “agenda setting theory”, and “persuasion theory”. Findings also indicate that countries in developed economies ( USA for instance) use a lot of television, as well as digital, billboard and print advertisements along with a robust online presence and social media strategy to reach potential visitors. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages are used to showcase country specific promotions and engagements. In addition, the newly re-launched website DiscoverAmerica.com is a media strategy for selling America. In addition, Kenya uses various media messages and strategies selling itself to the world. Specifically, Kenya relies mostly on the hospitality industry to market itself.Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The most common area in the hospitality industry that is being used to promote Kenya to the world include ecotourism, culture tourism, slum tourism, hotel and accommodation, business conferences and sports tourism. To show case the products that it has, Kenya uses television for Brand Kenya Initiative campaign, radio and social media. Specifically, twitter and face book pages have been developed for brand Kenya. Furthermore, websites for brand Kenya initiatives and for showcasing the various hospitality products have been established. Musicians such as Emily Kosgei and Eric Wainana are being engaged to promote the Kenyan brand through their music.

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