
One of the E-learning learning media that is well known to the public is Google Classroom. In order to increase the effectiveness of using Google Classroom, a familiar and frequently used supporting application is needed, namely WhatsApp. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect and magnitude of the influence of the Google Classroom learning media assisted by Whatsapp on the mathematics learning outcomes of class VII students at MTs Miftahul Huda Ngreco Kandat Kediri. This research uses a quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental) type of quantitative approach. The sampling technique is random sampling. The population of this research is class VII students as many as 120 students. The research sample is class VII A and VII B as many as 42 students. The method of data collection is through student learning outcomes tests. Data analysis using t-test with the help of SPSS 26.0. The results of this study are (1) There is a significant effect of using Google Classroom media with the help of Whatsapp on the mathematics learning outcomes of class VII students at MTs Miftahul Huda Ngreco Kandat Kediri, and (2) Based on Cohen's value the use of Google Classroom media assisted by Whatsapp on the mathematics learning outcomes of class VII students at MTs Miftahul Huda Ngreco Kandat Kediri has a big effect.

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