
The article is devoted to the possibilities of media education in the fight against the informational challenge of our time - fake news. Fake news can damage both the reputation of an individual object (politics, brand, organization), and destabilize the situation in the whole country or even in the world. Fake news is not a new phenomenon, however, in the modern world, the increasing role of the media is a particular danger. Fake is not always a weapon in the information war: the emergence of fake news is often associated with unprofessionalism of journalists, while the lack of media literacy of the recipients does not allow to recognize the fake even with its obvious signs. Fake news appears both in world and all-Russian media, and in regional media projects and is associated with various pressing socio-political topics. Around the world today, an active search is being conducted for effective methods of combating fake news, which, first of all, include technological developments, legislative initiatives and media education of the population. The article emphasizes that media education is the most important factor in the fight against fake news and highlights the relevant aspects of media education. Moreover, media education is understood both as a process of professional development of a journalist, including a technological one, and as a process of personal development of his addressee with the help of and on the material of media formats.

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