
The purpose of this study to examine the role of Radio Cairo as propaganda and political persuasion tools for Egypt’s foreign policy in the era of President Sadat.The study used content analysis as a research tool to examine how the Egyptian media used propaganda techniques in communicating messages to the Arab audiences in the Middle East in issue regarding Egypt’s leadership in the peace process; the right of the Palestinian people for a national homeland; and Israel’s right to exist. The Arabic materials and the scripts of Radio Cairo programming during three- weeks used for analysis.Egyptian media concentrated mainly on six major techniques in communicating their messages to the Arab people regarding the Camp David agreements and the separate peace treaty with Israel, which included the following: Focusing Attention or Spotlighting; Testimonial, Division and Name calling; Self-Interest or Ad Hominem; Omission of Material; and Bandwagon.The study concluded that, Radio Cairo had notable success in affecting the audiences and public opinion therein. The majority of Egyptian people greeted Sadat’s decision to visit Israel and the Camp David Agreements with relief and approval. They hailed Sadat as the “Peace Hero” and the “Savior of the Masses”. Radio Cairo also played a highly important role in bringing the people of the Middle East, including the Israel’s, closer to peace by stimulating positive thinking. Finally, Radio Cairo helped to make Israel for the first time, acceptable to the Arabs, particularly the moderate Arab states and to the Egyptian people themselves.

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