
Mechanoreception, the ability of robots to detect mechanical stimuli from the internal and external environments, contributes significantly to improving safety and task performance during the operation of robots in unstructured environments. Various approaches have been proposed to endow robot systems with mechanoreception. In the case of soft robots, the state-of-the-art mechanosensory solutions typically embedded dedicated deformable sensors into the soft body, giving rise to fabrication complexity and signal sophistication. In this study, we propose a novel mechanoreception scheme to enable pneumatic-driven soft robots to perceive proprioceptive movements as well as external contacts. Both internal and external mechanical parameters can be decoded from intuitive cues of body deformation and pneumatic pressure signals. In contrast to most existing solutions employing dedicated deformable sensors, the proposed approach only utilizes pressure feedback, which is typically available from the pneumatic pressure sensors incorporated in the control loop of most pneumatic soft robots. The concept was implemented and validated on a proprietary robotic gripper with a linear soft pneumatic actuator, demonstrating the capability in simultaneous detection of actuator position and external contact forceAfter the proposed approach, the gripper can achieve both active and passive mechanosensation, with demonstrated experiments in grasping force estimation, contact loss detection, object stiffness identification, and contour measurements. This approach offers an alternative route to achieving excellent internal/environmental awareness without requiring dedicated sensing modalities.


  • Mechanoreception is a common endowment of humans, which enables the central nervous system with the awareness of any mechanical distortion of the body and the environment in contact.[1]

  • The concept was implemented and validated on a soft-rigid hybrid gripper system driven by a 1-DoF pneumatic bellows actuator

  • We demonstrated theoretically and experimentally that both actuator displacement and external contact force can be decoded simultaneously based on static and dynamic models and the pressure measurements of the bellows chambers

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Mechanoreception is a common endowment of humans, which enables the central nervous system with the awareness of any mechanical distortion of the body and the environment in contact.[1] Various types of mechanoreceptors located within the human body can detect different mechanical stimuli: (1) touch-sensitive cutaneous mechanoreceptors are primarily responsible for reconstructing the size, surface texture, and other tactile features of an object; (2) force-sensitive mechanoreceptors located beneath the skin and inside the body can detect heavy contacts, forces, and the movements of the body segments.[2]. The sensory feedback from mechanoreceptors is critical for humans in achieving proper balance and motor control, dexterous manipulation, and other physical interactions. A myriad of approaches have been explored for rigid-bodied robots, achieving both exteroception and proprioception capabilities.[6,7,8,9] it remains Our physical capabilities would be severely hindered.[3,4] for robots, the performances of robot systems will be substantially restrained without sufficient mechanoreceptive information, especially when the robots are operating in an unstructured environment, handling complex tasks, or interacting with humans.[5]

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