
Acoustic phenomena accompanying contractions of single motor units (MUs) have previously received little attention. Therefore, in the present study, the mechanomyographic (MMG) signals during evoked contractions of single MUs have been recorded from the medial gastrocnemius muscle of the rat. A piezoelectric transducer immersed in a paraffin-oil pool was used for the measurement of these signals. Muscle fibre action potentials, tension and MMG were recorded in parallel during twitch (the weakest) and fused tetanic (the strongest) MU contractions. It was observed that the onset of the MMG signals was coincident with the beginning of the increase in tension for both the twitch and tetanus. Weaker MMG signals than those accompanying the beginning of the first phase of the fused tetanus were seen during the beginning of the relaxation after tetanic contraction. During contraction and relaxation, MMG signals were characterised by the reverse-direction of the first extreme phase, positive and negative, respectively. No MMG signals were observed when the tension was constant during the fused tetanus. The amplitude of MMG signals was correlated with both the tension increase and the velocity of tension increase during both the twitch and the fused tetanus. The strongest MUs (fast fatiguable) generated MMG signals of the highest amplitude. MMG signals were not detected for some of the weakest slow MUs (with tension increases of < or = 2 mN). These results indicate a strong correlation between the MMG and the change of tension. Therefore, we believe that MMG signals are generated by muscle deformation that occurs during the contraction of MU muscle fibres. We conclude that the number of active muscle fibres, their topography, and their localisation in relation to the muscle surface (which is variable for different types of MUs) influence these MMG phenomena.

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