
Noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) systems are susceptible to errors that culminate in near-one hundred percent data loss. This is due to quantum state fragility and the incredibly high quantum communication error rates caused by decoherence, or quantum noise. As such, stabilizing qubit operational imprecision in quantum information processing is a critical area of research in quantum computing. Adaptive quantum machine learning (QML) methods, like unsupervised and fully entangled quantum generative adversarial networks is one such technology theorized to provide a breakthrough in quantum error suppression. Mechanizing the quantum error detection and correction process with QML provides a path forward from today’s monolithic quantum computers running almost exclusively single-core quantum processing unit (QPU) designs, to the next generation of federated quantum computers using multi-core QPUs. Automating the detection and correction of quantum errors in powerful NISQ devices will pave the way for fault-tolerant quantum computing, making quantum speeds at quantum scale suddenly achievable.

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