
Paddy is major predominant crop during kharif in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh, cultivated in an area of 102074 ha, out of total cropped area of 180164 ha with productivity of 2524 kg/ha. Farmers grow crop by adopting traditional method of paddy cultivation, use more seed rate, close spacing, late transplanting with over aged seedlings common phenomenon due to erotic rainfall Scarcity of labour and escalation in labour wages, reduction in labor efficiency are leading to low net returns. Organized On Farm Trials (OFTs) in farmer fields in two seasons Kharif, 2018 and Kharif, 2019. MSRI technology in paddy recorded 20.76% yield over normal transplanting method of paddy cultivation during both Kharif seasons. The results from the study showed that the farmers realized additional net income of Rs.15038 due to increased grain yield by 20.76% with reduction of cost of

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