
ConspectusAtomic layer control of semiconductor processing is needed as critical dimensions are progressively reduced below the 10 nm scale. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) methods are meeting this challenge and produce conformal thin film growth on high aspect ratio features. Atomic layer etching (ALE) techniques are also required that can remove material with atomic layer precision. ALE processes are defined using sequential, self-limiting reactions based on surface modification and volatile release. Plasma ALE methods employ energetic ion or neutral species to release the modified material anisotropically using sputtering. In contrast, thermal ALE processes utilize gas species to release the modified material isotropically using thermal reactions. Thermal ALE can be viewed as the "reverse of ALD".There are a number of mechanisms for thermal ALE that have developed over the last five years. This Account will first examine the fluorination and ligand-exchange mechanism for thermal ALE. This mechanism is applicable for many metal oxide and metal nitride materials. Subsequently, the "conversion etch" mechanisms will be explored that are derived from the conversion of the surface of the substrate to a new material. The "conversion etch" mechanisms are needed when the initial material does not have a viable etching pathway via fluorination and ligand-exchange or when the material has a volatile fluoride. The thermal ALE mechanisms founded on either oxidation or halogenation of the initial substrate will then be examined with an emphasis on metal thermal ALE. Lastly, thermal ALE mechanisms will be considered that are based on self-limiting surface ligands or temperature modulation mechanisms. These various mechanisms offer a wide range of pathways to remove material isotropically with atomic layer control.Thermal ALE will be required to fabricate advanced semiconductor devices. This fabrication will increasingly occur beyond the limits of lithography and will extend into the third dimension. The situation is like Manhattan during the advent of skyscrapers. When there was no more room on the ground, building started to move to the third dimension. Three-dimensional devices require a sequential series of deposition and etching steps to build the skyscraper structures. Some etching needs to be vertical and anisotropic to make the elevator shafts. Other etching needs to be horizontal and isotropic to form the hallways. The mechanisms of thermal ALE will be critical for the definition of isotropic ALE processes.Reaching beyond the limits of lithography will also increase the need for maskless processing. The mechanisms of thermal ALE lead to strategies for selective etching of one material in the presence of many materials. In addition, area-selective deposition can benefit from the ability of thermal ALE to enhance deposition on the desired growth surfaces by removing deposition from other surrounding surfaces. Looking ahead, thermal ALE will continue to provide unique capabilities and will grow in importance as a nanofabrication processing technique.

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