
In this research tried to examine ACL injury mechanisms in some sports men. Of course an understanding of the noncontact ACL injuries mechanism has lagged behind diagnosis and treatment. However, a growing research implicates hormonal, anatomic, environmental, and biomechanical factors that may predispose athletes to these injuries. For this study selected 839 athlete for assess ACL injury mechanism by two different method: (A)Questionnaire and (B) Interview that information collected among athlete who were play soccer, volleyball, futsall, basketball, wrestling, ski and gymnastics. Our results indicate 52.6% of injuries occur during practices and 47.4% during competition. It also became clear that 72.3% of injuries are due to noncontact mechanism, 4.7% by accidents and 23% with unknown mechanism. Furthermore Dynamic alignment at the time of the injury included: Knee-in & Toe-out 47.1%, Knee-out & Toe-in 17.7%, and Hyperextension 11.4%. The ACL prevents the femur from moving forwards during weight bearing. It also helps to prevent rotation of the joint. Injury of the ACL most often occurs when an athlete is pivoting, decelerating suddenly or landing from a jump. The injury can also be caused by another player falling across the knee.ACL injuries are, probably, the most common devastating knee ligament injuries amongst sports persons. Usually these injuries are isolated, mainly in noncontact sports, but may often be a part of more complex ligamentous injuries. They occur more often in contact sports, such as football, and road traffic accidents. These injuries are most likely to lead to the need for surgery. So that's why it seems necessary to understand the ACL mechanism injury.

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