
Much has been written on the subject of extrinsic tooth discoloration, but, except when the pigment is intentionally applied, the etiologies and mechanisms are poorly understood. Extrinsic stains have been classified as non-metallic or metallic. The pigment usually lies not on or in the dental tissues, but in surface deposits, particularly the acquired pellicle layer and at sites receiving limited cleaning. Whether pigments absorb, adsorb, or chemically interact with dental surfaces is unclear. Some stains merely seem to reflect the color of the apparent source, whereas others have been ascribed to a secondary chemical alteration of a substance at the tooth or pellicle surface. Theories of chromogenic bacteria and formation of metal sulfides are frequently propounded but without clear supportive evidence. Staining by cationic antiseptics and, to a lesser extent, metal salts has attracted research interest. Chlorhexidine and other cationic antiseptics, it is hypothesized, may catalyze browning reactions or facilitate metal sulfide formation in pellicle. Controlled clinical studies have repeatedly shown that dental and mucosal staining associated with the use of chlorhexidine and some metal salts is dependent upon volunteers' imbibing reasonable quantities of chromogenic beverages, such as tea. However, it must be appreciated that cationic antiseptics and polyvalent metals can precipitate chromogenic material from a large range of dietary compounds. The control of dental staining, at least that associated with chlorhexidine, can be achieved both in vitro and in vivo by the use of oxidizing agents which appear to remove the stain physically from the surfaces.

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