
The incompatible interaction between the rice cultivar Manikpukha and the rice stem nematode Ditylenchus angustus has been reported recently. This research focuses on the underlying mechanisms of resistance in Manikpukha. Invasion, post-infection development and reproduction of D.angustus were compared in compatible and incompatible interactions to identify the stage inwhich resistance occurs. The results indicate that resistance in Manikpukha is associated with reduced development and reproduction, implying that resistance acts post-invasion. We studied the possible involvement of three classical defence hormones, salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (ET), in response to infection in a compatible interaction using biosynthesis/signalling-deficient transgenic rice lines. All three hormones appear to have an influence on the basal defence of Nipponbare against the stem nematode. Although hormone application increases basal defences, expression studies and hormone analyses after nematode infection in Manikpukha did not show a clear involvement of the hormone defense pathways for SA, ET and JA. However, it seems that OsPAL1 plays a pivotal role in resistance, indicating that the phenylpropanoid pathway and its products might be key players in the incompatible interaction. Lignin measurement showed that, although basal levels are similar, Manikpukha had a significantly higher lignin content on nematode infection, whereas it was decreased in the susceptible cultivar. The results presented here show that SA, ET and JA are involved in basal defences, but the resistance of Manikpukha against D.angustus probably relies on products of the phenylpropanoid pathway.

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