
Clostridium perfringens, a Gram-positive bacterium, causes intestinal diseases in humans and livestock through its toxins, related to alpha toxin (CPA), beta toxin (CPB), C. perfringens enterotoxin (CPE), epsilon toxin (ETX), Iota toxin (ITX), and necrotic enteritis B-like toxin (NetB). These toxins disrupt intestinal barrier, leading to various cell death mechanisms such as necrosis, apoptosis, and necroptosis. Additionally, non-toxin factors like adhesins and degradative enzymes contribute to virulence by enhancing colonization and survival of C. perfringens. A vicious cycle of intestinal barrier breach, misregulated cell death, and subsequent inflammation is at the heart of chronic inflammatory and infectious gastrointestinal diseases. Understanding these mechanisms is essential for developing targeted therapies against C. perfringens-associated intestinal diseases.

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