
The gonadotropic hormones, FSH and LH exert a major effect on ovarian and testicular function through interaction with specific seven-transmembrane domain glycoprotein receptors. Desensitization to the hormones, which can occur both in vivo and in vitro, is essential for prevention of overstimulation of the gonadal cells. The long-term process of desensitization to the gonadotropic hormones is probably mediated, in part, by extensive clustering and internalization of the hormone–receptor complex. Short-term desensitization may occur as a result of phosphorylation of serine or threonine residues on the receptor molecules, although a specific receptor kinase has not yet been identified. Recently, we have discovered a novel mechanism of gonadotropin desensitization, which is exerted by down-regulation of StAR expression and steroidogenesis mediated by MAPK activation as a result of hormone–receptor interaction, cAMP accumulation and PKA activation. Thus, PKA not only mediates gonadotropin-induced steroidogenesis, it also activates the down-regulation mechanism that can silence steroidogenesis under certain conditions. Moreover, our findings raise the possibility that activation or inhibition of ERK by other pathways could be an important mechanism for diminution or amplification of gonadotropin-stimulated steroidogenesis. This could contribute to functional luteolysis, a process in which luteinized granulosa cells show reduced sensitivity to LH despite maintenance of LH receptors, or to up-regulation of the steroidogenic machinery during luteinization of granulosa cells.

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