
AbstractWe examined the proximate mechanisms of cache retrieval in the group‐living, southern flying squirrel,Glaucomys volans, through a series of behavioral experiments conducted in a large indoor arena. The effectiveness of several retrieval mechanisms was determined including spatial memory, olfaction, random searching and a heuristic under different environmental conditions. Our goal was to elucidate the hoarding strategy of individuals in a nest group and to address whether food storing individuals possess a retrieval advantage over pilfering nestmates. A storer's retrieval advantage is necessary for scatter hoarding to be an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) within aggregations of unrelated individuals. Our previous work has shown that,G. volanslives in such groups, and consequently it was important to address the storer's retrieval advantage under a range of environmental conditions. Initially in our baseline experiment, we developed methods to eliminate olfactory‐based retrieval and to control for random searching. Subsequently, we experimentally determined the effectiveness of cache retrieval via spatial memory, a heuristic and olfaction. We examined the mechanisms of cache retrieval in three additional experiments using two independent subject populations and found that under dry, odorless conditions spatial memory was the most effective retrieval mechanism in support of a storer's retrieval advantage. In a fifth experiment we examined cache retrieval under wet environmental conditions and showed that olfactory‐based retrieval was effective and the storer's advantage was reduced. We interpret these laboratory results based on considerations of natural environmental conditions and game theory. We propose a conditional ESS strategy where animals store and retrieve their own caches as the primary food hoarding tactic and opportunistically pilfer caches as a secondary tactic.

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