
Deformation and metamorphism in the Mount Olympos region, Greece, are the result of subduction of continental crust (A-type subduction) during the Alpine orogeny. New structural and petrologic data from this region provide insight into the creation of low geothermal gradients in A-type subduction zones and the preservation of blueschist facies assemblages. Early convergent deformation was accompanied by greenschist-amphibolite facies metamorphism. Blueschist facies mineral assemblages overprinted higher grade assemblages during large-scale, episodic shortening that occurred during and after continental collision. Prehnite-pumpellyite facies assemblages are postkinematic with respect to contractional fabrics, but predate a prolonged period of extension that was not accompanied by metamorphism. Under-plating and extension permitted unroofing and preservation of the blueschists with no over-printing by greenschist facies assemblages.

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