
Spleen cultures prepared from mice injected 24 hr earlier with 2 × 10 6−2 × 10 8 sRBC and challenged in vitro with sRBC produced 10 times more anti-sRBC IgM PFC than cultures prepared from uninjected mice. The effect was specific for the particular species of foreign RBC injected in vivo. In vitro responses to TNP were also increased in spleen cultures prepared from animals injected 24 or 12 hr earlier with carrier RBC alone, directly implicating carrier-specific T cells in this process. Similar enhancements of PFC formation occurred in cultures prepared from mice which had been injected with sRBC 24 and 48 hr earlier, but which were exposed to lethal irradiation at 1 hr after injection of antigen, if their spleens were shielded extracorporeally during irradiation. This finding indicated that in vivo recruitment of antigen-reactive extrasplenic X-ray-sensitive cells from the circulating lymphocyte pool by the spleen could not account for the observed enhancement. Proliferation in the spleen of antigen-reactive T cells, commencing 12–20 hr after the administration of antigen, was demonstrated by the tritiated thymidine pulse technique. An 8-hr hot-pulse given to spleen cell cultures from normal animals at 20 hr after in vitro challenge with antigen did not affect the rate of generation of IgM-producing cells; however, administration of a similar pulse to cultures which were initiated at 12 or at 20 hr after the in vivo injection of sRBC eliminated the enhanced generation of PFC and delayed the in vitro response to sRBC by 24 hr. Spleen cell cultures were prepared from mice which had been injected in vivo with sRBC at 12, 20, and 70 hr earlier, and 8- to 10-hr hot pulses were given immediately after initiation of the cultures. The cultures were then challenged with sRBC-TNP; antibody responses to TNP were greatly reduced in hot-pulsed cultures prepared from mice injected in vivo with carrier RBC at 12 or 20 hr prior to initiation of the cultures. In contrast, antibody responses to TNP observed in hot-pulsed cultures prepared from mice which had been injected with carrier RBC at 70 hr prior to initiation of the cultures were generally similar to those of nonpulsed 70 hr control cultures. This result suggests that the onset of T helper cell proliferation begins within 12–20 hr after injection of antigen, but subsides in vivo within 70 hr. By that time, the antigen-reactive T cells have already differentiated to perform their helper function. In spite of the triggering of T-cell proliferation during the first 24 hr after injection of antigen, spleen cell cultures prepared from mice which had been injected 24 hr earlier in vivo with 2 × 10 8 sRBC produced only minimal numbers of anti-sRBC PFC if no antigen was added to the cultures. The presence of unprocessed antigen thus appears to be a requirement for B-cell proliferation in vitro, even after T-cell division has been triggered. This finding is consistent with earlier suggestions that the function of “helper” T cells may not be limited to passive transport of antigenic determinants to B cells. Evidence is also presented to support the contention that the antigen-reactive T cell involved in this process may have to undergo cell division in order to develop “helper” capacity.

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