
1. In order to investigate purinergic effects on rat ileal smooth muscle, we used alpha,beta-methylene ATP (alpha,beta-MeATP), ATP, ADP and UTP. alpha,beta-Methylene ATP and ATP were the only agonists that caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of carbachol-precontracted smooth muscle. The inhibitory effect of alpha,beta-MeATP was completely blocked by pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulphonic acid (3 x 10(-5) mol/L), a selective antagonist of the P2X > > P2Y receptor. 2. Using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction we demonstrated the presence of both, P2X and P2Y receptor mRNA within the rat ileal longitudinal muscle/myenteric plexus layer preparation. 3. The alpha,beta-MeATP-induced inhibition was blocked in a concentration-dependent manner in the presence of the K+ channel blocker apamin, but was unaffected by other K+ channel blockers, such as charybdotoxin (10(-7) mol/L), 4-aminopyridine (10(-4)mol/L), glibenclamide (10(-5) mol/L) and tetraethylammonium (10(-3) mol/L). 4. The alpha,beta-MeATP-induced inhibition was unaffected by pretreatment with atropine (10(-6) mol/L), phentolamine (10(-6) mol/L), propranolol (10(-6) mol/L), nitrendipine (10(-7) mol/L), pertussis toxin (10(-6) mol/L) NG-nitro-L-arginine (3 x 10(-4) mol/L) and tetrodotoxin (10(-6) mol/L), excluding an involvement of adrenergic, cholinergic, neural, nitrinergic or G-protein involvement in purinergic-mediated inhibition. 5. In order to investigate whether the internal Ca2+ stores participated in the inhibitory effect observed, we depleted internal Ca2+ stores with cyclopiazonic acid, a specific Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor. The inhibitory effect of alpha,beta-MeATP was completely abolished after depletion of the intracellular Ca2+ stores. 6. This is in contrast with the effects seen for neurotensin, where neurotensin-induced inhibition was unchanged after depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores, suggesting at least two different pathways of apamin-sensitive non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic inhibition in rat ileal smooth muscle. 7. According to our results, the inhibitory effect of alpha,beta-MeATP in rat ileum longitudinal smooth muscle is mediated via a P2 purinoceptor, most likely a P2X receptor, involves G-protein-independent activation of an apamin-sensitive K+ channel and requires filled intracellular Ca+ stores.

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