
Heatwaves in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) occur frequently but have received little attention over the years. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of a long-duration, wide-ranging, and high-intensity heatwave event in South America spanning from 9 to 16 January 2022. Before the heatwave occurred, the meridional sea surface temperature (SST) in the SH intensified due to the warming of the South Pacific, while the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) exhibited a positive phase. As a result, the intensified wave activities in the westerlies led to high-pressure anomalies in South America, which played a dominant role in the generation of the heatwave. The diagnostic analysis of thermodynamic equations in South America indicates that the temperature increase during the heatwave was primarily caused by the vertical advection term. In contrast, horizontal advection had a negative impact on surface warming. Additionally, the diabatic heating term associated with surface land types serves as a significant factor that cannot be disregarded. This study aims to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms underlying heatwave generation in South America, enabling the improved prediction of heatwaves and enhanced assessment of potential risks in the future.

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