
Biliary lipids primarily consist of bile salts, phospholipids, and cholesterol. Bile salts have potent detergent properties and deleterious effects on the cell membrane and are cytotoxic to hepatocytes. We have previously reported that phosphatidylcholine (PC), the predominant bile phospholipid, protects hepatocytes from the cytotoxicity of bile salts, whereas cholesterol reverses the cytoprotective effects of PC against bile salts. ABCB4, a member of the ATP-binding cassette transporter family, secretes biliary phospholipids, especially PC, from the hepatocytes into the bile. Using Abcb4 knockout mice and HEK293 cells that stably expressed ABCB4, we examined the effects of taurine- or glycine-conjugated cholate, ursodeoxycholate, and hyodeoxycholate on the ABCB4-mediated efflux of PC. We observed that the biliary secretion of PC in wild-type mice significantly increased following infusion of all the tested bile salts, especially taurohyodeoxycholate. On the other hand, the biliary secretion of PC in Abcb4 knockout mice was not affected by the bile salt infusions. The results also demonstrated that the efflux of PC from ABCB4-expressing HEK293 cells was significantly stimulated by taurohyodeoxycholate, which has a strong potential to form mixed micelles with PC. Furthermore, the results of our study emphasized the possibility that the specific interactions of bile salts with ABCB4 are necessary for the release of PC molecules from the binding pocket of ABCB4 into the aqueous environment. Further understanding of this mechanism will aid in the development of novel therapeutic agents for cholestatic liver diseases.

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