
Methods. The results of the study were obtained by using the following methods: comparison – when studying the dynamics of the global hunger index and the GTI in Ukraine to determine Ukraine's place in the world food security ranking; general and specific – when establishing the relationship between food security and the public health system; standard methods of sociological research – when studying the behavior of food consumers as a result of the use of various neuromarketing methods; structural and logical analysis – when justifying the use of neuromarketing methods to improve the country's food security and directly affect the development of the public health system. Results. The role of positive changes in the regulatory and legal support for the functioning of the integrated public health system in Ukraine in the context of European integration processes is shown. The position of Ukraine in the world food security ranking among the indicators of 125 countries is investigated. The dynamics of the factors influencing the formation of the GHI is analyzed. It is proved that food security is one of the components of the public health system. The reasons for the food problem in the world and in Ukraine in particular are considered. Examples of the application of neuromarketing methods as a tool for influencing food security and the public health system in general are given. Positive and negative factors of influence of neuromarketing methods on the public health system are systematized. The necessity of further scientific research on the synergy of neuromarketing, food security and the public health system as factors influencing the overall well-being of the population is emphasized. Novelty. The article is the first to investigate the aspects of synergy between public health, food security and neuromarketing in Ukraine in the current conditions of ecosystem disruption during the period of military aggression. Practical value. The application of neuromarketing methods to improve the promotion of food products on the market aimed at ensuring food security of the country, improving public welfare and further development of the public health system is proposed.

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