
Mining systems for ore deposit extraction with the backfilling of the goaf solve the problem of preserving the surface and the complete extraction of rich ores. This paper considers the filling of mined-out stopes with a viscous fluidal solution for the formation of an artificial strong massif, which results in a conglomerate formed on contact with the ore deposit. It was established that exogenous fracturing at the Pivdenno-Belozirske deposit significantly affects the stability of the sides and ceilings in the chamber. This phenomenon can be observed at the first stage of processing. At chambers (the second stage of processing), the artificial rock mass is exposed. It has been established that the chamber mining systems do not ensure the operational stability of the vertical outcrop in the zones of exogenous intensive fracture of the rock mass, especially in the places where they intersect. The zonal location of intense fracture was established along the strike and dip of the steep ore deposit, as was its importance in the formation of rock fallouts. An analytical solution algorithm has been developed to determine the penetration of the backfilling mixture in the plane of the intersection of zones of intense cracking, with opposite azimuths of incidence at steep angles of macrocracking. The features of penetration into microcracks of the backfilling mixture used at the mine, which are affected by their granulometric and physicochemical compositions, have been determined. The influence of the height of the layer and the procedure of backfilling the chamber space in the liquid phase on the formation of the necessary pressure for the opening of a microcrack was studied. The priority of backfilling the exogenous macrocracks with significant gaps and those between tectonic blocks with mixtures has been analytically substantiated and confirmed by experimental methods of research in the mine.

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