
Introduction. In the conditions of continuous development of investment and innovative technologies the necessary requirement for the further successful and productive development of an agro-industrial complex is updating of technics, technologies, management methods, the organization of production. The purpose of the paper is to study the innovative development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine and to develop a mechanism for implementing investment and innovation technologies. Results. The implementation of the mechanism of introduction of investment and innovation technologies in the agricultural sector should become an effective means of ensuring innovative development in all parts of the technological chain of agricultural production. The main task of the mechanism is primarily to ensure the coherent development of all its components – agricultural enterprises on the basis of deepening agro-industrial integration and involvement in the production of the latest advances in science and technology. Thus, the mechanism of introduction of investment and innovation technologies in the agricultural sector should ensure the implementation of a number of tasks: – stimulating scientific developments aimed at creating new technologies and agricultural products; – effective transfer of scientific achievements, knowledge and results of scientific developments into production; – financing of investment and innovation projects on acceptable terms for agricultural enterprises; – fair distribution of results of investment and innovation projects; – deepening agro-industrial integration; – development, examination and support of investment and innovation programs and projects; – education, training and retraining; – formation of investment and innovative way of thinking; – participation of the state and regional authorities in investment and innovation activities of agro-industrial enterprises. Conclusions. Thus, the need to implement the mechanism of investment and innovation technologies in the agricultural sector will create a favorable environment for innovation, bring the agricultural sector of Ukraine to the world level, will ensure the receipt of competitive agricultural products.

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