
Chymotrypsin is easily extracted from an aqueous solution into isooctane containing the anionic surfactant aerosol OT (AOT). The concentration of AOT needed to efficiently extract 0.5 mg/mL CMT is as low as 1 mM and as low as 0.2 mM AOT was sufficient to extract the protein into isooctane. The extraction process was unaffected by 10% (v/v) ethyl acetate in the isooctane phase. Moreover, spectroscopic analysis by electron paramagnetic resonance indicated that CMT did not exist inside a discreet water pool of a reversed micelle. Calculations of the number of AOT molecules associated per extracted CMT molecule indicate that only ca. 30 surfactant molecules interact with the protein, a value too low for reversed micellar incorporation of the protein in isooctane. These studies suggested that reversed micelles do not need to be involved in the actual transfer of the protein from the aqueous to the organic phase and protein solubilization in the organic phase is possible in the absence of reversed micelles. Based on these findings, a new mechanism has been proposed herein for protein extraction via the phase transfer method involving ionic surfactants. The central theme of this mechanism is the formation of an electrostatic complex between CMT and AOT at the aqueous/organic interface between AOT and CMT, thereby leading to the formation of a hydrophobic species that partitions into the organic phase. Consistent with this mechanism, the efficiency of extraction is dependent on the interfacial mass transfer, the concentrations of CMT and AOT in the aqueous and organic phases, respectively; the ionic strength of the aqueous phase; and the presence of various cosolvents. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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